Saturday, July 19, 2008


Manaslu (मनास्लु, also known as Kutang) is the eighth highest mountain in the world, located in the Mansiri Himal, part of the Nepalese Himalayas. Manaslu is derived from the Sanskrit word Manasa and is translated as "Mountain of the Spirit".

Manaslu is the highest peak in the Gorkha district and is located about forty miles east of Annapurna, the tenth highest mountain. The mountain's long ridges and valley glaciers offer feasible approaches from all directions, and culminate in a peak that towers steeply above its surrounding landscape, and is a dominant feature when viewed from afar.

Manaslu was first climbed on May 9, 1956 by Toshio Imanishi and Gyalzen Norbu, members of a Japanese expedition.

Trekking in Manaslu Region Manaslu region offers varieties of trekking options. The region comprises from sub-tropical foothills of the Himalaya to arid Trans-Himalayan high pastures bordering Tibet. The famous trekking route goes around Manaslu massif over the pass down to Annapurna. The trekking trail follows the classic salt-trading route along the Budhi Gandaki river. At its higher riches, the region is divided into two ethnic habitats, Nubri and Tsum. The branching off of the river at Chhikur divide two domains. While Nubri has been frequently visited after Nepal opened itself for the tourists in 1950, Tsum, still retains its time honored culture, art and tradition. The region is dotted with austere monasteries, maniwalls, chortens and other Buddhist religious landmarks. The faith of non-violence and compassion has augmented wild-life diversity of the region. Unlike many other regions, this valley is a sanctuary to most endangered animals including Snow leopard and Pandas. 110 species of birds 33 mammals and 11 butterflies and 3 reptiles is recorded so far. The valley basin is rich with nineteen different types of forests, most prominently Rhododendron, Himalayan blue pine which is flanked by Ganesh Himal and Sringi ranges. 10 other peaks over 6500 m. are visible during the trek including the fammed ones over 7000 m. The Tsum which was restricted for tourists for long time now is center of attraction for intrepid trekkers in the region with the governments of Nepal recently opening it for group tourists. people add Tsum Valley and Ganesh Himal Base Camp as an acclamatization trip before going for an expedition or High passes. However to retain its pristine culture, fragile ecosystem and to harnesh local participation for sustainable tourism seems yet a challenging task ahead. Tsum Welfare Committee has been involved in promotion of responsible tourism in Tsum.

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